Photography Contest

Der Greif - Guest Room: Renee Mussai and Belinda Kazeem-Kaminski

Der Greif - Guest Room: Renee Mussai and Belinda Kazeem-Kaminski

Deadline |


Theme |

Response-ability, Touch/Change, Otherwise

Territory |


Eligibility |

Open to all

Entry Fees |


Prizes |

Cash Prize
Guest Room aims to spark collaboration. Curator, writer & scholar Renée Mussai, who pursues a special interest in Black feminist and queer visual arts practices, has chosen to collaborate with Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński, a writer, artist & artistic researcher engaging in a process-oriented practice that deals with the condition of Black life in the African diaspora. Together, they have developed the following framework for your submissions: "Response-ability — Touch/Change — Otherwise".

"Taking our cues from Toni Morrison’s potent expression of ‘response-ability’ and Octavia E. Butler’s generative ideas of transformation, we invite artists to consider notions of change — chemical, social, emotional, personal, political, economic, sexual, cultural, physical, and otherwise.

How might photographic visions convey different states of being and becoming? How might we activate the medium’s potential to embrace and shape change? What do images forged from the trans/formative powers of change look like? Whose touch do they desire/require? What temperature is their pictorial climate? How might we activate our art-and-change-making capacities responsibly to cultivate and practice freedom(s), and see — look — think — live — act differently? What can photography offer in moments of precarity — a visual blanket, shield, or embrace? What might a photographic shelter look like? In times of global turmoil that require critical action on many fronts, with human rights violations abound, what kinds of images — or image bodies — activate change, internal or external, collective and individual? How might photography offer visual paths and possibilities to imag(in)ing otherwise?"

Get the chance to be awarded a 1.000 € Guest Room Scholarship
Be discovered by two experts in contemporary art and photography
Get published in an online showcase on Der Greif alongside emerging artists from all over the world
Submit for free or pay a voluntary donation of 8€
Please note: Images which have been selected for a previous Der Greif opportunity are not eligible for re-submission. We want to support the broadest range of photographers possible and therefore encourage you to submit work that has not yet been selected by our past Guest Curators. Any images which do not comply with these terms will be removed from the selection process.

Voluntary donation
After over a decade of serving the international photography community Der Greif is now finally a registered non-profit. We believe this organizational structure best reflects our artistic and cultural mission. As always, your artistic contribution makes our work on Der Greif possible.
Since starting Guest Room in January 2015, we’ve been working hard to invite a broad range of practitioners, from gallerists to editors and curators. We are convinced that this format is an interesting and low-barrier approach to help artists get their work in front of people who might be interested in working with them. For this reason, we are asking you to consider making a financial contribution as well. That’s why we’re suggesting a voluntary donation of 8€ as a submission fee. 100% of the funds we collect from your donations will go towards helping us continue providing interesting opportunities for the photography community through Guest Room, and thus expand Der Greif.

Featured Photo Contest

AAP Magazine #44 / STREET

The 44th printed issue of AAP Magazine will feature the best projects showcasing urban life. Send a cohesive body of work or portfolio - capturing the weird and wonderful moments unfolding around you!

Best Photography Contests in 2023

Each year, there are hundreds of photography competitions all over the world, so we've decided to select for you the best of the best! Our selection of the best photo contests in 2023 is thoroughly curated to help you, whether you are a professional photographer or an amateur, to help find your next creative breakthrough. These all-star competitions offer the greatest opportunities for international exposure and/or incredible financial benefits. Some of them are closing soon, so get your photo submissions in!

ENDS 10/20/24
Become the Photographer of the Week and win $100 in cash + Exposure on the Home Page & Social Media
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Be Featured in our Novemberr 2024 Online Juried Solo Exhibition!
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TIFA connects photographers from around the world with the creative community in Tokyo, Japan, providing them with an excellent platform to present their work to a new market.
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If you're a passionate amateur or professional photographer, we invite you to share your photographic project with us.
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Four winners across US, UK, Mexico, and Canada will receive $10,000 and a Leica SL3 set
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Send us a cohesive body of work or portfolio - capturing the weird and wonderful moments unfolding around you! The subject is completely up to you.
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Finalists’ Exhibition + In-Person Portfolio Reviews
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Provides a platform for photography students worldwide - first prize is top Sony digital imaging equipment plus benefit from global exposure
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Our Annual Photo Contest is now open for submissions, and we’re looking for the best of the best. Grand Prize: $2,500,
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We’re excited to announce the fifth edition of the Female in Focus award, in partnership with Nikon, a global leader in imaging technology.
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Rewarding the best single images! Enter for free and you could win $5,000, top Sony digital imaging equipment plus more!
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Dedicated to young photographers under 19 years-old - first prize is top Sony digital imaging equipment plus benefit from global exposure
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Rewarding the best photo series worldwide! Enter for free and you could win $25,000, a range of Sony digital imaging equipment plus more!
ENDS 01/19/25
MonoVisions Photography Awards are an international open call for photographers using black and white medium to express their visual language.
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The biennial Belfast Photo Festival provided the perfect platform for gaining exposure to an international audience, with previous editions having welcome over 100,000 visitors from all over the world